We are using an anonymous online questionnaire that asks you several open-ended questions about your experience. In other words, the study is similar to an interview except you do not talk to a person. Instead, you type your answers on your computer in the privacy of your own home, providing as much or as little detail as you want. You can skip any question you do not want to answer and exit the questionnaire and the study at any time and for any reason.

PRIVACY IS IMPORTANT because we will be asking you very personal questions. As examples of our questions:

  • With respect to RELIGION, we will ask you how the church’s teachings on sex, divorce, and remarriage affected your emotional and spiritual struggle.

  • With respect to your SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP, we will ask how you talked to your wife (if you did) about your erectile difficulties.

  • With respect to PSYCHOSEXUAL COPING, we will ask about sexual fantasy and masturbation.

As you can see, this study is asking the hard questions that will make a real difference in helping men who are struggling with this distressing sexual and relationship experience.

The questionnaire has several sections:

  • Eligibility screening and basic demographic questions

  • Questions about how you think this difficulty started

  • Questions about religious and psychosexual coping strategies you used during most of the time you struggled with these troubling feelings

  • Questions about religious and psychosexual coping strategies you used to get to an outcome that resolved your troubling concerns (if you have resolved them)

You can skip any question you do not want to answer and exit the questionnaire and the study at any time and for any reason.

The questionnaire can take 90 minutes to complete, depending on the detail in your answers. As part of protecting your anonymity, you cannot save a partially completed questionnaire and come back later to finish it. Consequently, you need to set aside enough time in a private place to complete the questionnaire in one sitting.

You can review a draft of the study’s informed consent document by clicking the Informed Consent button. This document will provide many details about the study procedures, our confidentiality protections, and your rights as a potential participant in the study. If you decide to participate in the study, you can use the Informed Consent button to print a copy of the consent for your records.